Deb Swarfega Jizer 5 ltr




Deb Swarfega® Jizer 5 ltr

Parts degreaser that will quickly dissolve heavy deposits of mineral oil, grease, tar, bitumen and waxes. Water rinsable, can be used for removing oil and grease marks from many floor surfaces, tar spots and oil from body work and cleaning paint brushes.

  • Powerful – Effective dissolving action will remove heavy deposits of mineral oil, grease, tar, bitumen, and waxes from a wide range of metals, plastics and painted surfaces.
  • Economic – Concentrated strength and high absorption rate ensures only a small amount will remove a high level of soiling.
  • Effective – Quickly and thoroughly cleans engines, motors, components and parts and machinery and tools.
  • Safe – High flash point of not less than 61°C makes it safer to use than most other degreasers.
  • Prevents Corrosion – Added rust inhibitor helps reduce corrosion during the degreasing process.
  • Versatile – Can be used for removing oil and grease marks from many floor surfaces, tar spots and oil from body work and cleaning paint brushes.
  • Water Rinsable – Special emulsifiers ensure soilings can be easily rinsed off with water leaving surfaces clean and non-greasy.
  • Compatible – With all metal and metal components and will not stain or damage most plastics, synthetic rubber or paints.
  • Reusable – Rapidly separates from dirt and grime for repeated usage and high economy in use.
  • Order Code: SJZ5L – 1 x 5ltr

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